
Tech Strikes Back At Russia

After Russia began attacks on Ukraine, many countries and organizations fought back with economic sanctions and supported Ukraine with support.

Ukraine has undergone major losses as Russia continues to break down Ukraine’s infrastructure. Recently, countries have struck back with tech, the most notable cutting Russia off SWIFT. The world e-currency exchange system. This is a big move since essentially every country and company use this flawless system to transfer money throughout the world. As a result, the Russian Ruble shrunk.

Following the Ukraine internet disruption, StarLink, Elon Musk’s satellite internet system was activated over Ukraine in hopes to better the situation.

Musk’s actions were in response to a plea from a senior Ukrainian government official for him to provide more Starlink stations to the country.

Crypto has grown so much throughout the pandemic, as a result, crypto is being donated in order to support Ukraine. “In the last four days, I’m simply shocked,” Raskalov said. “I’m so happy with that. At the same time, I’m so upset. A small NFT community and Twitter raised more than $10 million. Most of the countries of the European Union didn’t do anything.” 

The continued support of Ukraine will hopefully leave a great impact. Kyiv still stands as Russian forces have failed to take control. With more support, Ukraine will continue to stand strong.


Categories: Tech&Innovation