
Day Zero

Four million people living in the city of Cape Town were forced to stand in a line surrounded by armed guards to collect their raw materials and drinking water. If the armed guards take away their raw material, they won’t be able to make new products. Examples of raw materials are steel, oil, grain, gasoline, lumber, forest resources, plastic, natural gas, coal, and minerals. Population growth, and a record droughts could happen by climate change, is one of the dramatic urban water crises. South African leaders warned residents are increasingly likely to face Day Zero. Day Zero means a situation with no water in the taps, and the use of water will become restricted for vital services only. Day Zero happens when the water level of the major dams supplying the City reaches 13.5 percent.

If the water level goes down there will be dehydration. If there is dehydration people could die from it, because every living thing needs water to survive.

Dehydration symptoms infographic. Dry mouth and thirsty feeling. Improtance of water drinking. Isolated vector illustration in cartoon stylehttps://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/why-cape-town-running-out-water-and-whos-next/

Categories: Environmental