
Typhoons and Climate Change

Typhoons, hurricanes and tropical cyclones are different names for the same type of storm, also known as tropical cyclones. Tropical cyclones are characterized by heavy wind, heavy rain, and an “eye” in the center of the storm. There, the core is warm and low pressure rotates the weather system. 

Typhoons typically affect the Philippines, Vietnam, China, South Korea and Japan. They also rarely affect Indonesia and North Korea. The way typhoons form is interesting, as they develop in the sea. 

Most typhoons form in the east of Philippines and move westward into the warm water regions due to the easterly steering flow. And as warmer temperatures provide conditions for typhoons to grow, climate change is important as it poses a threat to increase the temperature of Earth.Before the typhoons hit, East Asia experienced record breaking temperatures during June 2023, which were out of norms due to climate change.

Image Source : https://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/blog/6988/how-the-climate-crisis-is-making-typhoons-worse/

As climates change even more, the average position of typhoons have shifted northward by 300km, and it becomes harder to forecast typhoons more.Accurate forecasts of typhoons are crucial for protecting lives, which is why Southeast Asia and China are currently developing a new forecasting method for typhoons.

The effects of climate change are also prominent as Beijing experienced an accumulated rainfall of 744.8mm, making the rain event the heaviest during the last 140 years. The rainfall, caused by Typhoon Doksuri, was one of the worst atoms to hit Northern China in years. The worse the climate gets, the worse the destruction from typhoons will become.

Reference : Typhoons and climate change: What’s causing the floods in East Asia? NCAS. (2023, August 10). https://ncas.ac.uk/typhoons-and-climate-change-whats-causing-the-floods-in-east-asia/

Categories: Environmental