
Elbrus, A Mountain Full of History

Mount Elbrus is an extinct volcano like Mt. Baek Doo. It is also the highest peak in Russia. Negative 6 degrees Celsius at nighttime. The Elbrus is all glaciers, 23 of them surrounding them. 

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Elbrus

Elbrus is very famous for its tourism, and glaciers melting feeds rivers. So if they get too cold, they will have a drought. Elbrus is also famous for its ease in the Seven Summits by a cable car to bring people to the summits without the hassles. Elbrus could also be on your next mountain hiking course, and it can fit from beginners to experts. Providing a palette of courses you can pick, like a 5-star restaurant. Due to its ease, Even the weakest people can get to the summit, with a cable car.

[Written by 4th grader]

Reference : https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/elbrus/

Categories: Environmental