
How is the weather up there?

Since being launched from Cape Canavera and in Florida on February 11, 2010. The Solar Dynamics Observatory from NASA, captured the suns move, videos, and images. SDO is a solar event such as solar prominences, solar flares, coronal mass ejections and high speed solar wind. Solar wind is a powerful stream of particles ejected by the sun. These features can wreak havoc on technology on Earth, a phenomenon known as space weather.
Space weather, in a nutshell, is the conditions in the space environment. They have impacts on the health and safety equipment in humans in space and on the ground. Micheal Hesse, chief of the Space Weather Laboratory at NASA had said this, at Maryland.  

Space weather could be dangerous for the astronauts who went to space as part of NASA Apollo missions between 1968 to 1978. Historically we have been very lucky, because we didn’t know these effects during the Apollo Era. In the worst case astronauts got some serious injuries from this trip if one of those major events happened.

[Written by a fourth grader]


Categories: Environmental